Error positioning and z-index

For details, see the video

Hi @semenkov, thanks for the report. I will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks in advance

Is possible, this will help?
Backups 4 hours ago. No errors.

IMHO there is no bug.

z-index is complicated :slight_smile:

I works best at the same level. For example:

   div2 zindex:y
div3 zindex:z

works less well than:

div1 zindex:y
div3 zindex:z

But here I think the issue is the context. Zindex work in context: in a relative context, or fixed, for example.

In your site, both elements are fixed, but the context may not be fixed. The context of the first element is dictated by its upper parent.

If I’m right, you can’t do what you’re trying to do without a change of structure.

edit: The stacking context - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN

Ок, but 4 hours ago it was possible and worked. Watch the second video. )))

I made a backup and now everything works as expected ОК !!! )))

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