Export Code to Wordpress for Landing Page

I am not a designer or developer, and I’ve been using Webflow to make my landing pages. You can see one here: http://tintdementiadetective.webflow.io/

I need to be able to embed code into the button, but this feature went away with the free version of WF.

I’m wondering if it’s possible for a developer to export the code from one of my WF landing pages, and load it onto my wordpress site such that I can continue to create new landing pages by “simply” modifying the code in the visual/text editor within wordpress?

I’m just weighting this option vs getting something like leadpages or optimize press.

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Webflow to Wordpress? Definitely possible. But you wouldn’t get the same standard of visual editing functionality like Webflow.

Sorry, I guess I should have asked - is there a document that shows how to do this, so I can evaluate the complexity?

No, it has to be implemented by a web developer who specializes in this.

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