Facebook Pixel delay and Cookie Consent

Hi there :slight_smile:

I was excited to see the Delay for cookie consent option with the Facebook pixel. I read through the tutorial at Facebook Pixel | Webflow University, and couldn’t really figure out if the Facebook pixel will trigger as soon as the consent is given (using https://cookieconsent.insites.com/ as one of your suggestions) or if it only triggers on the next page load. In my case now it is a one page landingpage for a campaign, so to be sure, I added a page reload on event change: http://strongglutes.webflow.io/

So on first load, the Facebook Pixel Helper tells me it was not triggered - makes sense: Dropbox - Screenshot 2018-10-19 09.52.47.png - Simplify your life

Then if I click the button and the page reloads (or also when continuing to reload manually), it still says the same thing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5a5b9ersergkv0/Screenshot%202018-10-19%2009.53.40.png?dl=0

Am I missing something? How can I get the pixel to trigger after consent is given?

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Hey, I’ve seen that you have succeeded in your task can you help me and give me some tips on how to achieve this ?

Hi there :slight_smile: I can’t actually remember resolving this, and the project was put on hold. So sorry can’t help more at the moment.

Ohh no … Thank you for replying .