Facebook share button shows same title for all pages

HI everbody

I just added social media sharing icons to my webflow posts with addthis.com which works fine - but when trying to share on Facebook, it takes the title from another post (and it is the same everytime)… any idea why?

You can check it out here. The sharing buttons are in the buttom



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Hi Kim,

The share buttons grab their information from the Open Graph Settings which aren’t set on your dynamic template. So, the the widget is grabbing the same information for all pages. Once, you set the OG settings to be populated with dynamic fields, the results will be reflected correctly.

See the animation below to set the OG settings:


​Hope this is helpful.

All the best,
Anna K

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OMG your an angel… thats it - thank you very much :grinning:


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You are most welcome!

Good luck with your project!

All the best,
Anna K

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