Fancy form things (and databases)

Hi guys!

Our client would like to implement two things:

  1. Have the search tool call to API, so that when someone types in “New York” it autosuggests EWR / JFK / LGA / etc.

  2. Have the search tool actually call to a database (that’s not yet finalized), pull out an actual quote based on their search, and spit it out on a Webflow page.

Can we do this on Webflow, or would we need to migrate off the platform?

Of course the database would be programmed elsewhere, but can Webflow still be the front end?

If this is more involved, I’m more than happy to pay for any guidance whatsoever :slight_smile:

I tried to look at the API but the site is down because of an access error to the backend database.

Making this work in webflow will depend wholly on whether there is an API that you can consume from each data provider via JavaScript and there is no authentication involved to access/query the data providers (public access).

I think It would be more realistic to run this on an app server using your exported site design.

Is this more involved? Yes, this is not trivial.