Footer in the middle of screen on mobile view

My footer is in the middle of the screen and minimized on mobile. I set the z index to 1000. Could someone assist me with this?


Thank you!!

Here’s my read-only link:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Karissa_Barnett it looks like it has to do with the “Candidate Row Flex” class having the float:left property. If you take that off on mobile, it should make the footer appear normal (however I do see there could be some other issues with mobile on the site, not sure if you already have them fixed though).

Please let me know if this helps or of any questions.

Thank you!! If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I’m still learning :slight_smile:

@Karissa_Barnett no problem! Glad that cleared it up. If you have any other questions, or need Webflow (or custom code) expertise, feel free to DM me and I’d be glad to help.

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