Form placeholder text being cut off on the bottom

At the bottom of my site is a simple form. My placeholder text is being cutoff on the bottom in the latest version of Chrome (but not in the latest version of Safari).

I would like to keep similar spacing and text size here. Does anyone see what I am doing wrong or a suggestion to remedy?

Thanks so much!

PS - I know I have issues with my SVG animations in Safari; working on fixing those too!

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Chrome 63/64 : Are you referring to the g?


Paste this in Site Header Code and publish:

input::placeholder {
    overflow: visible;
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Yes, I was referring to the g and y (first placeholder). This worked, thank you @samliew. Is there something I can change so there is no overflow in the first place? I have been playing tirelessly with all the settings, and nothing has worked. Also, I do have overflow visible on the input field.

This is different to what I posted. Just use whatever I suggested.

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