Form submissions - Not sending

Hi everyone,

I’m fairly new to Webflow, which is amazing, by the way. I’ve got a form that won’t send and after hours of searching the community, tutorials and google I haven’t yet found a solution.

I was wondering if someone could help me and take a look if they see something wrong.

Preview site

The form is behind the button “contact” top right in the frame. It is a popup as why it’s hidden in the canvas, if you’re previewing the site and click contact, you’ll see the form. If I’ll need to show the Modal Wrapper I could do so.

Live site

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Max Kloppert

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Hey @max.kloppert

You host with Webflow?

Piter :webflow_heart:

Hi @PeterDimitrov,

No, I’m currently not hosting with Webflow but on a custom domain that was, unfortunately, registered and hosted before I started using Webflow.

Is the form not working when its not on Webflow hosting?

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Yes, If you’re using a different hosting company for your site you need to do some things in order to get the form working. See more here > Collect form submissions on exported sites | Webflow University

I think using will solve your problems :blush:

Feel free to reach out if you need some help :webflow_heart: