Form- Submit button, required fields skipped, missing error message

Hi there, seeking support of course,
I’ve used an external template for the form I’ve included in this page.
I had an issue with the SUBMIT button not working however I managed to spot the issue; the ‘Required fields’ were left empty so clicking the submit button did nothin. -Follow up issue to that is why aren’t the ERROR messages displaying in that regard?

  • One other major issue is required fields don’t have to be filled in in order to go to next step. But turns out Submit won’t work otherwise, but its not warned/ alerted.

What is ideal is to make required fields essential to go to next step and error messages to display if they can’t go to next step or submit.
Temporally I’ve unchecked required fields and it seems fine but not ideal

Note: The form uses custom codes

Thanks in advance

Here is my site Read-Only:

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I’m having the same issue. The solution was to not have any fields labeled as required and hope for the best. I thought that this was better than having a user abandon the form since they couldn’t understand what was preventing the form from being submited.

The issue is the custom code, or in my case the hack of using the slidder tool. When the form is on the same page then a little error message shows up telling you to fill out the required form field that is missing.