Forum Block Trouble shooting


I am having trouble with my forms and am looking to see if anyone has a solution. I am looking to have a larger textbox for my message box in the forum.

I would also like to be able to hit enter and have it go to the next line, unlike how it is now and hitting enter submits it.

I have attached a photo with it and my website is

if anyone has a solution it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi @Sofoklis_Gourdoukis to increase the text area simply select the Form Block > Form > Text Field element and head over to the Size settings on the right hand side and change the height to whatever you wish.

Regarding Hitting Enter / Next Line stuff, you can check out this post from the forum… How to disable enter to send message - #2 by StuM

But do consider accessibility and website users that utilise this functionality when submitting forms.

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I just tried changing the text field size. I am able to change it but if I type the line continues to flow over and wrap to the second line below.

Have you got a Read Only link?

You need to remove the basic text field for your ‘message’ area.

Instead use a free Textarea element and it fixes the issue.



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Works perfectly, thank you so much. I really appreciate it

You’re welcome @Sofoklis_Gourdoukis