FR: Multi Language, Unique Header / Footer, Page and Sub-Page infrastructure, and more

@thesergie and to everyone : This is for me an important feature request,

As Webflow can also be used as a “CMS”, I’d like to know what’s your roadmap concerning the following:

  • the Multi-language management… This will basically mean the possibility to duplicate multiple pages into a new sub-folder like /EN_en for english and /FR_fr for french, a “Choose Language” widget, and maybe an optional script to automatically detect the browser’s language to switch to the right one.

  • Have a unique Header / Footer for all the pages (and maybe be able to
    make some other content and some div “sitewide”)

  • Have a Page > Sub-Page infrastructure instead of Page + Page + Page

  • Which means once this is done, we’ll finally be able to have a “Breadcrumb”

  • Not urgent, but might be a great plus: a Private Access Widget. We’ve done one with @bartekkustra on this website


the Multi-language management… This will basically mean the possibility to duplicate multiple pages into a new sub-folder like /EN_en for english and /FR_fr for french, a “Choose Language” widget, and maybe an optional script to automatically detect the browser’s language to switch to the right one.

We do want to tackle this eventually, but not very soon since we are already time crunched building base features.

Have a unique Header / Footer for all the pages (and maybe be able to make some other content and some div “sitewide”)

We will be releasing Symbols soon that will do just that.

Have a Page > Sub-Page infrastructure instead of Page + Page + Page

This is planned. Breadcrumb widget would be an interesting addition!

@thesergie I believe that multilanguage functionality might be easily done with subfolders withing Webflow pages. That way you can have eg.

Landing Page

  • EN
    • page1
    • page2
    • page
  • FR
    • page1
    • page2
    • page3

Yes. Page reordering is really needed.

I agree with @bartekkustra,

Page Folder / Sub-Folder structure would solve 70% of the Multi-language support. The 30% is making a “Switch Language” widget, that would automatically knows what EN page corresponds to what other pages in FR, ES, IT etc, so that we don’t have to go through the whole website page by page and telling which link in the “Switch Language” widget corresponds to which page.


You can always try with the same thing as we did in “Logout/Deconnexion” within your website :slight_smile: Change language dynamically. But that is the pain in the… to create the whole website…

I’m also thinking on something else. Every link will have it’s unique ID. That way we can look which link was clicked (eg. jackets) and check in cookies the current language of site. That way we can determine that if english language is on cookie than switch to english version…

Now when I think about it doesn’t make sense… Nevermind previous paragraph ^^

Can you explain how you did this, please?

Ilan, what do you mean by “this” ? The Multi Language ? Or the Login / Logout ?
Good Shabbes

I mean Multi Language. Actually, I did one, you can see it here Into Truth - CRACKING THE JEWISH RIDDLE with English/Hebrew versions. But this is regular copy of the same folder. The problem is when I change something in one language, I have to do exactly the same process in another…

Hello Ilan,

On I used the same “manual” method as you did, creating for each FR-Fr page a EN-Us page (instead of /home I created a /home_en, instead of /contact I created a /contact_en, etc.).

A smarter way is to use Localize.JS just like I did on
Here’s the official tutorial to use Localize.js with Webflow: How to easily translate Webflow websites - Localize Integration Tutorial

Yet, I’m not sure that they support Hebrew (right to left), maybe they do, just ask @Brandon

Hope this’ll help.

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In a system like Webflow, I would consider skipping the folder structure based multi-language management on designer side. Final published pages could have that but so that those additional language pages would be automatically created - not manually by users.

It should be possible to design and implement a deeper built idea of multiple languages into Webflow. Site Settings level feature to add more languages. Perhaps have semi-automatic raw translation or hooks to most popular cloud translation services to hire a specialist to do the job.

Graphical content and links should be part of multi-languages so that they can be changed too when needed.