Gap between sections

Hi everyone, Im having a problem, there is a space between two section, the problem is If I make that space disappear , then when I go see my website on the main page I can see the upcoming section on land page, I want the land page to be all that color and only when I scroll down to show the next section, please I can invite one collaborator if someone wants to help me,
love you <3

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Victor

Share your read only link

So you want the first section to cover the full browser window, only to reveal the next chapter on scroll like this?

Hero Section > height: 100vh;

hello, thanks for your answer the problem is if I do this it takes the the full web screen like you say but when I scroll down I see this gap
between the next section,

thanks for your patience

Ben via Webflow Forums escreveu no dia domingo, 26/01/2020 à(s) 22:39:


Thanks for sharing. I opened your link and it looks like you are done with this issue, are you?