Getting current weather to Webflow site?

Would love any tips on getting current weather to my website! I would just need a celsius temperature and a short description of conditions (“Cloudy today” etc) for one location per page. The forum had a related question (Weather forecast), but the tool suggested uses Yahoo Weather API which is shutting down.

I think this API would work:

I’ve tried googling “current weather vanilla javascript / jquery” since I think Webflow only works with those as custom code. But I haven’t been successful in implementing anything that I’ve found so far.

Would anyone have experience in something like this?

Here is my public share link:
(how to access public share link)

I would use Zapier or Integromat for that. I believe they both have integration with Weather services.

You can use them to update a live collection item.

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Man, you just made my day! Got it working with Integromat. Thanks so much for the tip!

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