Google Ads Disapproval HTTP error code 0 : Webflow DNS Error

Dear Webflow Community

I’m having an issue with google ads and hosting via webflow. My ads keep getting disapproved and they aren’t running. I think it must be an issue on webflow because I’ve exhausted all other avenues. Your help would be appreciated. 2 weeks ago my ads started being disapproved, now none of them run. I’ve contacted Google on multiple occasions and they can manually click on the ads, as can I, which take them to the site But they aren’t approving them.

The issue is I’m getting the following errors from Google Ads.

http 0 error

Here is what I’ve done to try and rectify the issue.

I’m getting this DNS error on in the hosting area although I’ve of course entered the correct CNAME entry.

I thought this could be an issue.

Then I’ve gone through and changed the www. to the subdomain on the ads because I thought it might fix the issue.

No love either.

I’ve deleted all the 301s and retested the pages, that hasn’t done anything.

None of my ads are working and google are standing firm not approving them. Can webflow suggest what I can do to fix the issue. It seems as though webflow hosting is timing out and thus the ads aren’t being approved or running. I need your help to rectify the issue because the client has endured 2 weeks of this and has understandably had enough. And I’ve edited 72 ads multiple times and spent many hours trying to get it right.

Thank you any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest Regards

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You need to correctly configure your DNS following the instructions available from Webflow. If you want to be the default, make sure to set up your www CNAME record and remove the www A record. If SSL is ON in your Webflow settings, the Webflow CNAME record values should be:

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