Google Docs Link Preview Annoying Problem

Hey everyone!

For a while I’ve been wrapping my head around a small question about Google displaying abitrary thumbnails in the Gsuite (Google Docs, Sheets and Slides), that I still can’t answer really.

I have all teh OG images and everything correctly set-up on my sites, it looks great everywhere, except in Google Suite.

When you link one of my sites in Google Docs, the thumbnails show literally a random image.

For example, see this: the thumbnail shows a Mercedez Benz image, which is part of one of the case-studies:

Is there a way to specify this image instead?

I also figured that some sites they don’t show any image at all (for example Stripe, or Twilio).


Did anyone run into this problem before?

Many thanks!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)