Google search console - sitemap cannot be read


I’ve got an issue with the sitemap in the Google search console after creating and putting live a new website on the same URL.

What I did was setting up some 301 redirects in the hosting tab to help Google find the new URL’s and to maintain our search engine ranking. However for some reason Google couldn’t read the sitemap because of a 301 error. Opening the sitemap in the Google search console however works fine…

I then removed every 301 redirect and voila: sitemap could be read again.

Now after only setting up one 301 redirect the Webflow server respons is somehow screwed up and Google again can’t find my sitemap.xml again.

It looks like setting up 301 redirects also has an impact on the Google search console and makes the sitemap.xml unreadable.

Anyone with the same experience and knowing how to fix this?

