Google Search Console


I seem to be having major problems with Google Search Console adn Pagespeed insights and I don’t know where to go from here as I’m not technically knowledgable about this subject.

I have 2 sets of error messages which are linked below - can anyone point me in the right direction please?

error message 1

error message 2

I hope you can help - thanks

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

The site is available so you should not be getting a 403 error. It’s possible this was a temporary issue. If it persists open a ticket with support.

Hi Thanks for your reply.

It’s not temporary and the errors have been spurious since it went live a few months ago. However I have opened a ticket so will wait for a reply.

Thanks again for responding.


I recommend that you update your A records in DNS to the new preferred ones.

  • The A record values are: & (recommended)

Might help resolve your issues.

Thanks Jeff - I’ll check it out.