Ham Burger Animation only works on one page

I’ve created a hamburger animation for my Navigation bar on the Tablet viewpoint but i’m not able to get it to animate on other pages besides the one it was originally created on.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])
This is my website:

Welcome to the community @lol_no!

It looks like the Hire Us page is missing the element that you’re animating with the interaction—on the homepage it’s included within the .hero-2 section.

To fix the issue, just make sure you move the .side-menu element over to your Hire Us page. In this case, instead of including it within a separate section, I’d recommend including it within your navbar element—that way it’s included wherever your navbar is shown on the site. It’s probably also a good idea to turn your navbar element into a Symbol, so any changes are made across each page it’s used.

Hopefully that helps :metal:

Thank you very much!