Head tag disappearing script

Every page on webflow, I’ve included a <link rel=‘canonical’… />

Out of nowhere, parts of the script started disappearing.

I found it out when one of my live pages has a weird text on the top of the page → link rel=‘canonical’…/>

I realised that it appeared there because of the missing “<”.

Then i checked all pages and everything is fine. 5 mins later, my colleague found another page with weird text on the live page at the top → nonical’ href=“…” />

I went and check the script again, basically… the script is missing half the code.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Audrey_Ling - Sharing your read-only project and the published URL for inspection is really a requirement when opening a topic in this category. We can’t assist you without something to look at. Since this is a custom code issue, I am moving the topic to that category.

Everything is normal again… :-/

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