Help me to fix the layout issue

Hight is all auto but it’s doing this thing. Can you help me to fix this issue, please?

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Baebu
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@EJ_Byun What page is this issue on?

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oh sorry for not mentioning. it’s in about-case study- ibm

@EJ_Byun Its because on the Column 2 Class you have a max height of 400px. Adjust that to 100% and you should be good to go.


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I have fixed the height 100% when the view is on tablet view, but it won’t fix the problem.!

You have to set the max height to 100% as well.

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ah! thank you so much Sara. It worked!!! :partying_face:

Awesome!!! Glad I could help you out!

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