Help with NavBar Link

instead of pasting the code at page level, past it at site level throuch the settings of your project > custom code > footer as seen on the screen shot bellow. I copied the code at page level so you can see it with the read-only preview link I shared.

By the way, here is a shorter version, without comments:

(function switchLanguage() {
	const switchButton = document.getElementById('switchLink');
  let protocol = window.location.protocol;
	let currentHost =;
	let pathNameArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');
	switchButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
			if (pathNameArray[1] == 'fr') { + '//' + currentHost + '/en/' + pathNameArray[2], '_self');
			} else if (pathNameArray[1] == 'en') { + '//' + currentHost + '/fr/' + pathNameArray[2], '_self');

Hope that helps ! :slight_smile:

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