Help with setting triggers & animation

Can anyone help me understand how this is done? I am trying to do a play off an animation I saw in showcase, but I can’t figure out how it was set up. If you see, the element with the trigger is NOT the one that is being animated. The one being animated is an element inside the triggered element. I hope that made sense. Can anyone help?


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Can you share the example you’re trying to replicate please?

I’m not sure how else to word it. I am trying to do a play off an animation I found in showcase and I can’t figure out for the life of me how it was set up. Have a look:50%20PM 07%20PM

If you see by the pics, some how the element inside the element with the trigger is actually the one that is selected, yet the trigger shows on the element it is sitting inside. lol

My head hurt writing that. Can anyone tell me how I can mimic this? Thanks!


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I figured it out. I had to right click on the trigger to change the target. That worked. :slight_smile:

Thanks for responding to me nonetheless. I appreciate it.


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