Here's my first shot at Webflow!

Hello, world.

Here is my first attempt at Webflow (and also my first post on the forum :stuck_out_tongue:) !

I’ve been battling quite a lot with breakpoints but now I think it’s ok.

This onepager is supposed to be my application to get an internship in a web agency.

Feel free to comment !



Great job! :smiley: and welcome to the community.

One thing I would suggest is to not use percentages or bar graphs for your skills. It is unneeded. Just list what your skills are.


Looks very nice.

Definitely second not having the bar graphs. I personally don’t understand them as not sure what people are comparing it to? Is 100% the best person in the world at that certain skill or something else? Very confusing I think.

For me I couldn’t quite read the main title on the page “Hello Make It Pro” as it’s white text on an image that has white in it :wink: so perhaps a drop shadow or some sort of graphical treatment to the text might be in order there?

Nice clean layout though, well done!

Best wishes,


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thanks for your feedback guys, will definitely work on it. :v:

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So I decided to have a few modifications and here is what I came with :
I stole a few ideas from several cool things I saw on other Webflow sites, including this magic HECO background… :innocent:

What do you think @PixelGeek @Mark_Bowen ?