HERO WAVY DOT background

Would like to integrate this WAVY DOT BG to a Hero section and not the body, any help in identifying the tags that control this?? Also in making the background transparent or the colour of the section I want to tether it to?


Create a div:

container = document.createElement( 'div' );

Append the div to the document (body):

document.body.appendChild( container );

Append the wavy canvas to the div:

container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

Feel free to contact me for further code help and/or customization of third-party plugins

Thanks @samliew ,
But I’m still in the dark a bit. What ID do I give the div? Where do i paste my code (Header/Footer/Before Body)


thought I saw your name in credits for Batman and Harley Quinn animated movie :laughing:

Hi @andreswaby

Try this post Integrating codepen javascript - #2 by Blaise_Posmyouck

I can also transfer a demo site to your account if needed.


Hey @Blaise_Posmyouck
I’m in hot pursuit. Will let you know how it turns out.

Sure, go ahead and transfer the demo so I can always have it on hand.
