How can i off adaptivity on mobile/tablet

Hi guys. Tell me please, how can i off adaptivity on mobiles and tablets? I want to make website look similar on desktop and mobile. How can i do that? Help me please.

Hey @pzhydkykh

can you elaborate a bit more? I’m not sure I understood exactly what you want. If possible, share a read-only link so I can take a proper look and try to help you.

I just want to know, how to disable adaptability on mobile and tablets.

You mean responsive breakpoints? If you really wanted too… you could always export your site and delete all the breakpoints but responsiveness is baked in to the core here so that is not easy.

You could just use div’s , sections and no responsive widgets, and just style the desktop. Leave the other device breakpoints alone.

But seriously, why would you want that? Google crawls sites as mobile so if it’s not mobile friendly (responsive) your going to take a big SEO hit. Users are not big fans of pinch and zoom either. To each his own.