How do I choose where to publish a blog post?

How do I choose where to publish a blog post? When i’m going to edit my website i cant choose who page the blog post is going to appears on

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @cathrine82

If you are creating a blog post collection in the CMS - it will auto generate a blank template page for you (in purple - below your other pages) - so you would style that how you wish and add things like titles, images, and text - for each of those you can choose in the settings to pull the title/image/text from your Blog post collection.

Each time you create a new blog post, a new page is generated based on that template.

If you wanted to insert a blog post in a static page - you can add a ‘collection list’ and again choose in the settings to pull the data from your collection. These will be useful to watch: