How to bring the rest of the interactions to the initial state when you click more than 2 before close them


I have 3 cells on the right side. Every cell opens a div block with text info (1st click interaction).
To close the div block with text info you must click on the cross (2nd interaction).

BUT, the problem comes when you click to more than 1 cell before to close the divs blocks, so then you have to close all of them to get the main div block again.

I need to create an interaction that brings the rest of the interactions to the initial state when you click more than one cell.

I’m a bit confused.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Thanks a lot!!

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Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I’ve taken a look at your website.

Seems like you’ve found a solution? It works fine for me now.

Yes! I’ve found the solution. Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

Hey ChrisT,

I have the same issue now but working with CMS collection. It doesn’t work the same way as normal divs. I created the interaction for hover and click (Link Block 6), but now, when I click to another cell the rest must be coloured again and they remain white (there is no 2nd click or click out, click out must be when I click another cell).
Do you know how to solve this with CMS collections?

Thanks in advance!

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