How to build Search Fields, Mulit Select Buttons

Hi there, i just signed up for the personal plan a couple of days. So far i am finding it relatively easy to use webflow. Still i am missing some things i really need to build my website. I hope someone can help me out.

First i need to have plain input field (without error/success messages). Like a search field where i can type in. The field needs to stay visible. I tried the form blocks but coudnt find a way to make it work as i want.

Second i need to build a set of buttons which i can activate, so that they change color or some other value. It need to work with multiple buttons, so that i can select more than just one button at a time.

Third i need a set of 3 or 4 buttons where only the last clicked button stays selected. The one before should be deactived once i press a button again.

I know this is a long question, but i really hope someone could help me out. Thanks in advance.

Have a great week.

I’m not good at forms but if it’s helping, you can drag a form element (ie field) without a form with Alt+drag

All your other questions describe behavior that you hardly can get with webflow. I mean for the first one you can, using interactions, but you don’t even tell what it is for. You probably need a bit of javascript development