How to Create Staggered Scrolling

Hey designers! I love this guy’s website scrolling effect and was curious about how this could be done in Webflow. Any ideas?

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Hey @Austin_Distel

I think the effect is bad for UX. I don’t really like it :smile: @PixelGeek Can join as well :grin:

If you want to create something like this you can use fullpage.js

I have a project you can clone and explore >

Piter :webflow_heart:

As @PeterDimitrov said, that website you mention is using fullPage.js.

I would add also that it is also making use of the Parallax extension for fullPage to create that parallax effect. You can get it here:

Here’s a project you can clone:

Hey Piter,

Love the idea of your clonable project. I just cloned it, added the custom attributes on each section of the page to match the code in the page’s body. It’s still not working though after I published it. The page is

Are there directions on how to use this project because I can’t seem to get it to work.
