How to get an Email address from a Collection Item?

I’m trying to get an Email address from a Collection item into a dynamic list item. I tried to enter the email address in a Collection Link Field, but it automatically adds “http://” to it, and then I tried to add “mailto:” in that field, but it’s not reconized as an email address. And it’s a sloppy way, because when I try to load both the link and the text into a dynamic item I get litterally “”, which is obviously not what I want?

So as far as I’m aware it’s not possible to get actual mailto links from Collection items currently, or did I miss it?

Hi @rowan, Do you need that e-mail work like a link or just text?

I’ve had different situations where I needed one of the two, but also examples where I needed both text and link.

Well, then for item in the database you can add 2 more fields: link and text. Into link field you will put email with “mailto:” option and into text - just email. In this way you can use link-box in the design and apply link from database. Same as email “text” to some text-box.
Hope it helps.


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