How to install reCAPTCHA v3 or reCAPTCHA v2 (invisible)?


Could someone please tell me how to install reCAPTCHA v3 or reCAPTCHA v2 (invisible) on webflow?

I’ve read webflow’s guide on reCAPTCHA v2 (checkbox) but there’s no mention of either of the said two.

I’ve also created a wish-list for v3 and v2 (invisible).

Thank you.

Here is my site Read-Only:

(how to share your site Read-Only link)

2 years later and it’s still not possible. At the same time spamming is at an all-time high and spam requests coming in are almost enough to hit the monthly submission limit all by themselves.

Webflow should pick this up with high priority. This or other (native) anti-spam measures are a required feature for a mature web development platform like this.

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