How to make link block in grid expand horizontally AND vertically for responsive web?

Hello Webflow Community,

I am building a portfolio website and I am having trouble with making it responsive. I have link blocks in a grid and my thumbnail images as the link block’s background. When I view the page on a larger screen (I have a MacBook 15"), the link blocks only expand horizontally, but I need them to also expand vertically so that my image can stay proportionate.

Can someone please help you? I have spent hours trying to figure this out.

How the images should look:

How they appear on widescreen:

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi there Lilian, welcome back to the forum :webflow_heart:

You can try this method:

Or give the images width & height size relatively to one dimension
(eg: width: 30vw, height: 25vw)

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