How to play Lottie animation only once when home page is downloading

Hi here,

I made Lottie animation for the preloader of my home page and set up the animation for Page Load, it work and all good.

But there is a problem that I see it every time when I come back from other pages to home page. Is there anything I can do easy? I saw tutorial when through custom code you can write the rule for gif to play only once per day. That looks a bit complicated for me(

I think the only way to do this is with custom code.

Hi Katya, did you ever figure out a solution for this? I’d love to see how to make this work.

My current workaround that I came up with after sending that reply is to duplicate the home page: I now have a landing page and a home page that are identical except for the Lottie. When you access the site, you see the landing page with the Lottie, but there’s no way to get back to it without taking the “home” out of the URL and refreshing it. When you click “home” or my logo in the nav bar, it routes to the home page which looks and works exactly like the landing page minus the animation. I’m not sure this is the best solution, but it’s a solution that at least works and didn’t take long to implement.