How to set such a navigation bar?

Like this site, initially at the bottom of the window, after a certain distance fixed on the window.How to do with webflow?


If you don’t get this answered/figured out beforhand - maybe bring this question up on @PixelGeek Nelson’s community Twitch stream - Friday - might be able to show how it’s done ‘live’.


@FEI Oh, good question.

To complete the fixed navigation - I created a custom navigation section that you can view at the following URLs:

The steps I took are as follows:

  1. Created a hero section with a height of 90vh
  2. Created a navigation wrapper with position relative
  3. Placed the “main-navigation” section in the navigation wrapper with a height:10vh, width:100%, and position:absolute
  4. Then placed the “fixed-navigation” section in the navigation wrapper with a height:10vh, width:100%, and position:fixed to top.
  5. Lastly, I used interactions to hide and display this fixed navigation when the user scrolls passed the hero section.

Hopefully this helps :blush:

Best regards,


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