How to upload an image into my CMS rich text?

Hello there!

Im having trouble adding a picture to my blogpost on my new template i bought on the webflow market. i have bought the Studio-CMS and as u can see in that template there are pictures in the blogposts and projects rich text. But i cant add an image to my “project details or blog post details”, there´s no function to add a new image and u cant copy past in a image either.

If someone would be able to help me on this it would be very much appreciated!


Hi @MrMister! Try to delete the old image and you should see a small little plus sign popup, allowing you to upload a new image in the place of the old. After deleting the image you may have to press enter to see the Plus indicator.

Let me know if that helps and thanks in advance.

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Thanks @cyberdave, that worked! :slight_smile: But how do i insert an image on a completely new project that i want to create? Not just edit an old post?

This is something i also need to know for potential clients that want to upload a new blog post/project etc. :slight_smile:
