How to use conditional visibility without changing the size of other elements?

Hi there!

I have a CSS page on my site that uses link blocks attached to images. These link blocks are CSS collection items. Not every page will have the same amount of links or images. When I use conditional visibility to say “Show this when set”, and the link isn’t set, the images and links that are there change size.

Is there a way to keep everything the same size even if not all the images/links are not there?


Please include your site’s Read-Only Share Link with your question.
This will enable the community to view your project without making any edits to it and see what’s you have and provide suggestions.

If your project has custom code or layout issues on the published site, please share that URI as well.

I want to share the link but it’s a confidential website for something not yet released. Let me know if there is anything I can do to be more of help. Thanks

If this is confidential then don’t share it! This is a public forum.

I suggest you copy the layout function into a blank site to demo or grab some screen shots for examples.