Hunting down 2 colors on page

I have two colors on my site that I can’t figure out how to tweak.

  1. In the header, I successfully changed most of the text from blue to green, but for some reason - two items in the nav haven’t switched. What’s up with that?

  2. At the bottom of the main hero image, there’s like 2px worth of a blue line. I can’t find this for the life of me. I’ve looked at borders, background colors, stray elements. Can’t find it.

Any ideas here?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi there @mrimpossible,

Here are your issues:

  1. You nav link colors are blue because you have them both linked to your home page and that is listed as current. You need to change the font color to green if thats the direction you want to take. Plus when you have a transition set to All Properties this will add more code and slow your transition speed down, even if you have it set to 300ms. This is a BIG No-No!!!

  2. you have a bottom border of 4px turned on for that hero section. Just turn that off and you will be good there.

Hero image - got it.

With the transition - should I just have it set to the specific item I changed rather than all? I thought it would just be an easier “catch all” awya to do it.