(I could not find the right topic for it)... make a squared grid

How to make a squared grid? Can somebody tell my why the rows below are not squared? Maybe I will have 123 photos or something. So, how to automate it to make it all squared?

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/234-11709c?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=dashboard&utm_content=234-11709c&preview=0b172634463883c27e00ed0d21af2daf&mode=preview

Im on my iPad now som Can’t se your project, but Why don’t you use à plain collection wit the fit fearure a showed you before. Thats my suggestion. Cant read the project now since Im on the pad. You realy don’t need the grid

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when I set it to fit, it stays the same

Drop the grid use only the collection

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ow, I now understand what you mean
yes, I was already using the collection


oh, never mind I finally got it
but, I still do not know what I just did

Looks good now there you se

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how to make the FR of the row the same FR in mm of the column?

This is in the grid settings. But i can’t se the setting on my pad. Look in the grid settings

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Check the value using column. I really don’t remember on top of my head. Need a computer

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Looks ok to me now? Is it ok?

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Not yet because when in tablet modus it are rectangles

You have to do the design for each breakpoint. You need to design it

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Always star with full screen an work your way down. I have been looking at your stuff with iPad landscape all the time

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