Image map on logo


Does anyone have any suggestions on the best approach for an image map on the round ‘Compliance logo’ on this page please, I basically need to have each one of the arrows clickable to go to a page anchor.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Can you share your read only link please?

Hi there, thanks for getting in touch. The share link is:

Warning! I didn’t post a share link before as the page is in a mess at the moment, you’ll see what I mean when you visit it. However, it does display fine in the published site here: That’s another problem for another day :slight_smile:

There are a couple of things you can do here:

  1. Rebuild the circle image using Webflow elements so you can control each one of them and make the arrows link to different sections, or
  2. Set a link block element on top of each arrow so you can create those links you’re mentioning.
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Many thanks, I’ll probably go for option 2.