Images and Youtube appearing at a 45 degree angle in Casper

Hi all, I was adding an image today in the “Works” category at, and when I published, for some reason-- now all the images and YouTube preview are at a 45 degree angle. My blog posts kind of disappeared off the main page as well. A couple of the header links aren’t fully showing up either, as if they are cut off. I don’t believe I messed with any settings.

They look fine in the designer. I’m not sure what’s going on.

Update: I wonder if somehow the “Hero Angle” is somehow ascribing itself to everything else on the page.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Experiencing similar issues, missing headlines, images and div blocks are warped. Is this a webflow issue??

Sorry to hear this, but glad I am not the only one. Ugh.

Man, I have similar problem
Images and headlines are warped

@Katy_wiwi - Share your read-only to the project you are having this issue with.