Incorrect Section of Page showing at Loading

Can anyone please tell me why my page loads at the Services area section and I don’t have any IDs assigned.

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Thanks in advance

@webdev @austin @Brando @Nelson @vincent, guys I am stuck, this is driving me nuts and my head hurts. lol

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Somebody in the community mod chat mentioned looking at the form being focused on at load. I think it was @mattvaru!

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Indeed, it was me! Thanks for the mention @austin – didn’t know this question was on the forums.

Yep, I’m 99% sure it has to do with form focus on page load. Try toggling that off and see if it resolves it.

Edit: see here — Fundamentals of Forms in Webflow - Webflow University Documentation

Autofocus — If you want an input field to get focus when the page loads, check the autofocus option in the form settings. When a form element has autofocus checked, the page will load and scroll to that element if the form is below the fold.

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Thanks for the help guys. I’ll look in the morning. It was driving me nuts!!!

So, if you want a page to scroll at load, all you have to do is hide a form with 1 focussed field?

This is dirty as hell but I’m going to try to remember it :smiley:


Hahaha Webflow hacks :wink: