Inline linking issue (Navbar + Section id)

I have created a page with Navbar and internal links. I have added 3 links and 3 sections. They are Home, About, Contact - and they are in the same order in the page.

The problem is, clicking on the “About” link doesn’t scroll down to the “About” section, even though I have assigned the right section ids to the links. It only scrolls down to the bottom of the “Home” section. It should scroll down to the top of the “About” section.

Similar thing happens when I click on the “Contact” link. It only scrolls down to the bottom of the “About” section instead of the top of the “Contact” section.

Here’s the read-only link:

Hi @gautamlakum, there are some rules on getting the sections to align when using a fixed menu and using section scrolling, see this article: Getting Webflow's smooth scroll script to align correctly with fixed headers/navigation

I have also made a video to help show the steps: Screen Recording 2019-11-13...

Thanks @cyberdave This will help me understand.