Interaction trigger not launching

Hi All,

I’m new to Webflow, coming from a strong bootstrappy handcody devvy background…
Anyway i’m trying to get to grips with this to justify it to my agency :slight_smile:

Sadly I can’t get my “quote-form-screen” to open when the “quote-link” is clicked … using this tutorial here… I’m certain iv done it correctly 5 times but my browser weirdly refreshes if does the unexpected e.g the button moves instead of the target element.

Any help would be loved. A video would make my day

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Watch This :slight_smile:

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Man if only you knew how Im smiling. Thanks bud, loving this more now and only 1 day in!

May a well chuck this here but i’ve finally published it… anyone have an idea why it is completely f’d in internet explorer vs chrome/Firefox?

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