Interactions bug after duplicate elements with the same interaction

Hi! I’m working on a book gallery. Every book image has a link to open a modal with the book’s title and description.

So I create 2 interactions. One for open the modal (witch is fixed and nested as a child in every book div) and another to apply on the close button.

All perfect until I started to duplicate the books on gallery. After the tenth duplication the interactions stopped working! I’ve been trying to solve this for 2 days, I’m don’t know what could be happening.

Can you= give a hand? :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link:

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Hey @vitorguerra

Try setting everything to be class based, not only the element you’re targeting. but the trigger as well. See here >

One more thing, I think you don’t need to wrap everything with a link. When I open a model I see a hand pointer. Looks confusing and people will start clicking.

Piter :webflow_heart:

Thank you so much @PeterDimitrov! I’ll try to fix it!
Very happy to see this strong community around Webflow <3

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Happy to help! Feel free to reach out :webflow_heart: