Websites having issues with some interactions not firing in older browsers/devices

Yes I’m having same issues too. Most of my sites are hosted externally, so I’ve been able to troubleshoot a bot more. Issue raised by ‘Matt50’ looks like it could be the problem.

e.g. site created a month ago - code exported and hosted externally - no problem on iOS9 - drop-down mobile-menu works (javascript). Publish that same website with no changes to webflow staging domain drop-down mobile-menu doesn’t work on iOS9. Export code again and upload to external testing domain - iOS9 problem repeated. Upload older webflow.js file - problem disappears.

Tested on iPad iOS9 9.3.5 and also tested on more of my sites using Browserstack iOS8 same problem and same troubleshooting solution.

Using Atom to compare old and new webflow.js files shows numerous changes, including the one that seems to be causing the problem (line 991-993)

// Determine if z-index should be managed
const zIndex = Number(data.el.css(‘z-index’));
data.manageZ = zIndex === defaultZIndex || zIndex === defaultZIndex + 1;.

when I removed just this line form the new webflow.js file the issue was resolved!

This needs urgent attetnion - there are still a lot of iOS9 devices out there - including one of my new clients I’m developing a site for!