Is it possible to make a cookie that triggers an interaction for the whole site?

Hi, Is it possible to make a cookie that triggers an interaction for the whole site?

  • Click a button to will trigger a Webflow interaction, and at the same time, create a cookie.
  • That cookie will trigger that interaction for every page of the site.
  • The cookie has a 24 hours life-span.

How to?


I don’t see why not…
For your interaction trigger do you mean everytime any page is loaded or once per life-span of the cookie?

Good to hear !

I would expect to trigger everytime any page is loaded as long as the cookie does not expire yet.

This is actually what I would like to do…
Instead of having to fill-up the form every time, every page, and every parts of the page, the cookie will trigger the “show content” interaction.

Read-only of this :point_up:

Do you have some server side logic to go with this? It doesn’t seem like you even need a Webflow interaction at all.