Issue With Interactions (Unpredictable, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't)

I’m having issues with scaling interactions on my site. What’s interesting is that the issue comes up very inconsistently, even with zero changes to code, web browser, or anything. Here’s a video of what’s going on, showing what it’s supposed to look like, and what it looks like when published (currently).


I have also tried refreshing, closing my browser completely, and incognito mode, nothing seems to change it except just time. Any ideas would be appreciated!

Here’s a link to the live site as well:


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

Hi @zbuchholz96

Thanks for posting – this is an awesome design and interaction.

It looks like you have a class and styles set on that online store image, but there is no class/styles associated with the other images. Once you remove that class and publish, you should see the services section look and work as expected.

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That worked! I’m not sure why it kept happening inconsistently but that seemed to fix it! Thanks for your help, Brando.

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