Issue with mobile menu


I’m having a little trouble with getting my mobile menu to work the way I want. When I am in the back end and I open the menu, I am able to adjust the placement of the dropdown menu to where I would prefer it. Problem is, when I view the page and click the menu it is not in the place that I put it.

Here are a couple of screen shots. As you can see, when in the editor the menu covers the information on the screen but when viewing the page, Soul Luciani still shows.

Here is my read link:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @soulluciani,

I believe that the problem is the z-index of your Navbar 4 element. It should have a position:relative and z-index:"something high" where “something high” should be the highest on your website.

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