Just launched Super77's new portfolio site!

Live site: Super77.tv

After designing and creating this site I’ve grown to really appreciate dynamic collections on webflow - HUGE time saver for a portfolio site that has 60+ portfolio projects and extensive blog/news posts.

This site was more of an undertaking than I originally imagined, but from jumping into this project with no prior experience on webflow (and very little web experience in general) I’ve learned a TON.

I’m open to suggestions on ways to improve the site. Feedback is welcome!

I’m not completely happy with the load time on the “about” page, but image and gif sizes are as small as I can get them without losing significant visual quality.
I would also like to eventually change the way that the reel is viewed on the home page.

Thanks for taking a look!


Great site - make sure to showcase it!

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I agree fantastic site. One thing I was noticing as I as going through blog portion. The back to the top link at the top of each blog post doesn’t seem to do anything. Is it supposed to go back to the main news page?

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Thanks @jbleroux, that button was supposed to be at the bottom of the page. Fixed!

Great site with a superb style. Love the animation on the frontpage :smile:

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i love the about page so much!!! i don’t think i have ever said that for an about page before LOL they are usually an after thought but your’s is really cool. nice job.

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