Justify navigation links to the top right of screen


I would like to justify my navigation links to the top right of the screen. I’ve tried to place in the nav links in a div block, set the position to relative, and then adjust the positioning, but they don’t seem to render correctly on responsible devices. I’m sure there must be an easier way to do this. Any suggestions?


Thank you,


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


container width is locked for responsive reasons, replace it with div



Thanks so much for your quick response. That worked great! I notice, however, that the nav bar isn’t responsive. Can you suggest how I can adjust this?




Later on I will take A look, in the mean time I see that not all the menu links are the same class (link5), the last one got different class name (link 7)

Thanks, good spot. I’ve updated that. However the menu still isn’t responsive so any guidance you have would be great. Thank you


I would start A new Navbar from scratch. delete the container that comes built-in and replace it with new div and set the div’s size to 100vw.

I’ve tried to record A video - it is not perfect but you’ll get the idea. if not don’t hesitate to reach out :slight_smile:

Hello, thanks very much that worked great! Sorry, I wrote a post above but have now resolved that. My final question would be with regards to the margin of the site. For some reason, everything is slightly off centre, with a smaller margin on the left than on the right (this is apparent if you scroll down on the homepage to the portfolio section and you can really see the margins on each side of the collection are different.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated :slight_smile:


I think you should start this portfolio section from scratch. It doesn’t make sense to divide the Masonry 3 columns using the type tool. This section is not good organized.

Screenshot 2019-12-07 18.10.15

Watch this video to get an idea how to build flex collection list instead of using the type tool columns menu.
